

JS SDK release v0.1.0

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JS SDK release v0.1.0

We're excited to share our stable release of JS-SDK v0.1.0.

NPM: npmjs.com/package/@voidfull/js-sdk

NPM Version

You can get started right away, by installing with your favourite package manager.

# npm
npm install @voidfull/js-sdk

# yarn
yarn add @voidfull/js-sdk

# pnpm
pnpm install @voidfull/js-sdk

Then you're able to import the library and fetch posts and categories from Voidfull.

import Voidfull from "@voidfull/js-sdk";

const Client = new Voidfull({
    siteId: '<your_voidfull_site_id>',
    token: '<your_voidfull_token_id>'

Thanks for reading and Happy blogging.